Viridian tied to a cleat along the fuel dock at Florence Marina. We had no power to hook up to but we were glad to get secured before dark. The restaurant here is a fun place to dine, with killer blue cheese hamburgers and nice UNA students for waiters and waitresses. I would show a picture of our meal but it was gone before we thought about it.
Today's route from Joe Wheeler St Park to Florence Marina, AL
Locking at Wilson Dam
Viridian heading up to raft onto "Good Life" on Pin 3
Inside Joe Wheeler Lock rafted to "Good Life"
First Mates discussing rafting secrets
Back in open water on Wilson Lake
The Alabama Navy
Drifting on Lake Wilson
Looking back at Wheeler Dam
Our port side neighbor at the rendezvous Unruly
Into Wilson Lock with 22 Looper cruiser boats and a home-made canoe.
Nice boat!
All rafted up for the 95 foot trip down
Good example of Rafting in the lock
Canoe Man will be first to exit lock
Canoe Man held onto Viridian's port bow line as we descended. He is on his way to Ft. Pierce, FL by way of the Tennessee and Tenn-Tom Waterway.
Canoe Man will be first to exit lock
Canoe Man held onto Viridian's port bow line as we descended. He is on his way to Ft. Pierce, FL by way of the Tennessee and Tenn-Tom Waterway.
Wilson Lock Master had to make sure he got a photo of all these boats in his lock at the same time.
Exiting Wilson Dam
Arriving to lock up as the Loopers exited was the American Queen steamboat. A busy day for Wilson Lock.
Smoke stacks down to clear bridge in narrow channel leading to Wilson Lock
Passing by
Viridian tied to a cleat along the fuel dock at Florence Marina. We had on power but were glad to get secured before dark. The restaurant here is a fun place to dine with killer blue cheese hamburgers and nice UNA students for waiters and waitresses. I would show a picture of our meal but it was gone before we thought about it.
The sunset picture of y'all sailing away is a framer.